Pure PIPERAZIN-45% Powder Animals Worm Parasite (100 g)


100 g

Broad-spectrum anthelmintic.
It is used for the treatment and prevention of helminthic infestations in domestic animals and poultry.
Effective in the treatment of strongylosis, amidostomosis, parascoriosis, toxocariasis.

€15.00 No tax
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1 g of the drug contains the active sub­stance: piperazine citrate – 450 mg.

excipients: to 1 g.


Packages of polymeric film or foil lami­nated or polymer bottles (containers) with caps of 15, 50, 100, 500, 1000 ml.

DESCRIPTION. Microcrystalline white powder.

PHARMACOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS. The spectrum of activity of piperazine is largely against ascarid parasites in all animal species (including people). The safety margin is wide. Piperazine Citrate is an anthelmintic of low toxicity with a high efficiency against ascarids and some other nematodes.

Piperazine acts to block neuromuscular transmission in the parasite by hyperpolarizing the nerve membrane, which leads to flaccid paralysis. It also blocks succinate production by the worm. The parasites, paralysed and depleted of energy, are expelled by peristalsis. It is active against the ascarids Toxocara canis, Toxocara cati/ roundworm, Toxascaris leonine and hookworms. Piperazine is rapidly absorbed from the GI tract, and piperazine base can be detected in the urine as early as 30 minutes after administration. The excretion rate is maximal at 1 – 8hr, and excretion is practically complete within 24hrs.

DOSAGE . Orally with water for the treatment and control of intestinal infections/ infestations:

cattle, calves: neoascaridosis – 0.7 g/kg of body weight (once);

horses: parascaridosis, oxyuriasis – 0.7 g/kg of body weight (once);

dogs, cats and fur animals: toxocariasis, toxascaridosis, ancylostomiasis, uncinariasis – 0.2 g/kg of body weight (once);

rabbits (young): passalurosis – 0.1-0.2 g/kg of body weight (twice with an interval of 24 hours after a 18-24-hour starvation diet);

pigs: ascarosis, esophagostomiasis – 0.2 g/kg of body weight (twice with an interval of 24 hours during the morning feeding);

chickens, ducks, geese: ascaridiosis, ganguleterakidosis, amidostomosis, tetramerosis – 0.2 g / kg of body weight (twice with an interval of 24 hours).

CONTRAINDICATIONS. Do not apply to animals with hypersensitivity to piperazine, liver disease, kidney insufficiency.

PRECAUTIONS. Animals must not be slaughtered for human consumption during treatment.
Animals may be slaughtered for human consumption only after 4 days from the last treatment.
Milk  may be used  for human consumption only after 24 hours from the last treatment

Received before this terms  meat and eggs  must be used to  fed  for  unproductive animals or disposed  in accordance with guidance from your local waste regulation authority.

STORAGE. Dry, dark place, away from children at the temperature from 10°C to 25°C.

SHELF-LIFE – 3 years from the date of manufacture.

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