Darsonvalization is a well-known method that can be used to successfully solve a variety of skin problems. The electrode presented on this online page of the catalog (another name is a nozzle) for "Darsonval" (mushroom small) is intended for skin integuments, their effective and high-quality treatment.
Product details:
• its mushroom-shaped working surface is placed at a right angle, its diameter is 25 mm;
• darsonvalization with this accessory can be carried out both mobile and stable;
• the same nozzle is effective for remote exposure, in a labile mode, on areas of the body with the release of exudates;
• This tip is not included in the standard Darsonval kit, so you need to purchase the electrode for your needs separately.
The main advantages of the small mushroom nozzle:
• ease of use (the procedure is available at home);
• reasonable cost;
• safety and high efficiency.
More about the effectiveness of darsonvalization with a mushroom electrode:
• allows you to minimize the greasiness of the dermis;
• fights all kinds of inflammation and skin infections;
• effectively makes pores already;
• heals boils and acne.
Rules for handling the nozzle and the device:
• use the electrode only dry, disinfected;
• boiling and handling with boiling water is prohibited, this leads to a violation of the vacuum and breakdown;
• can be wiped with a disinfectant and a damp swab;
• apply until a moderate sensation of warmth or slight tingling sensation;
• when burning, the power must be immediately reduced.