Water-based lincomistin is a universal antiseptic. It was created as a more effective analogue of Miramistin for everyday and clinical use. Unlike many similar drugs, Lincomistin has a selective effect and does not damage healthy cells.
Effective against any kind of inflammation, water-based Lincomistin can be used in everyday life and in the beauty industry to disinfect hands. Thanks to the substance Miramistin in the base, which has already proved its effectiveness, Lincomistin can also be used for disinfection in hospitals: in surgical, gynecological and burn practice, as well as for traumatology.
Due to its water base, Lincomistin can be used for open wounds, to help against burns, and for topical treatment of mucous membranes (unlike an alcohol-based drug). It does not cause dry skin, and as a result, it can be used as an everyday antiseptic for the whole family, as well as in cosmetology and for manicure.
Water-based lincomistin is equally well suited for adults and children. It can also be used by people with sensitive skin: thanks to its water base, irritations and rashes are prevented.